Zoom a la impunidad | Jóvenes fotógrafos contra la corrupción

Zoom a la impunidad | Jóvenes fotógrafos contra la corrupción

Cedice Libertad, A.C. Transparencia Venezuela y la Coalición Anticorrupción, con patrocinio de la Unión Europea, convocan al concurso de fotografía para motivar reflexiones acerca de los distintos aspectos que comprometen la posibilidad de tener una sociedad libre de...



Criminal Technologies: How do Criminal Groups Murder? seeks to determine the level specialization of criminal technology analyzing the type of violence they exert and the type of weapons used. Information comes from media records, official sources and additional...

Private allies in control of state-owned companies 2024

Private allies in control of state-owned companies 2024

Since the U.S. sanctions on several Venezuelan state-owned companies became effective in 2019 and after the Anti-Blockade Law was passed in 2020, the national government has tried different formulas to divest assets. Despite the fact that many negotiations have been...

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